Monday, May 11, 2009

Still Alive…..again

Hello again. It's me. The prodigal blogger. I really really want to be better at this, but I don't think about it and when I do, I feel sorry for the people that check the blog to see if anything has changed. So, what is new?

1: I'm slowly getting better from the funny tummy stuff. I had a procedure done where they found 3+ small ulcers in my stomach, a hernia between my esophagus and my stomach (keeping the valve open and letting icky acid up), and feline rings down my esophagus (from an allergy). They gave me an inhaler and prescription antacids that have been helping A LOT!

2: Sean has started a new job at eBay. It started today, but he said he really liked what he saw. 6 weeks of training, here Sean comes!

3: I keep getting the feeling that one day, the Jeep is going to just not start and turn into a lump of metal that we can't do anything with, so we're planning on selling the Jeep and getting a new car. I have convinced Sean that the next car is going to be a Subaru. J I'm very happy about that!! I'll be sure to post some information about the Jeep when the time comes.

4: Keeping happy, healthy and moving forward.

We're so happy and so blessed in our lives. I'm so grateful for all the blessings and good friends we have! I'm going to try for once a month and we'll see what happens from there, okay? Okay.